Q1) At which level I can enroll my child / myself ?
Scenario 1: Age 6 / similar: Enroll to ‘Starting’ Tajweed class.
Scenario 2: Age 6+ and He went to another centre / teachers before. We shall take an assessment and fit to a suitable Iqra group.
Scenario 3: Finished Qaida before with someone else and now would like to correct Tajweed. We shall take an assessment and fit to a suitable Iqra group.
Scenario 4: The student would like to enroll to Islamic Studies (learning Qalima / Dua, etc) / Tafsir Class. Refer to: https://learnquranonline.com.au/islamic-studies-course/
Scenario 5: The student would like to enroll to Revise Quran Reading and Tafsir. Refer to: https://learnquranonline.com.au/islamic-studies-course/
Scenario 6: The student would like to enroll to online Hifz Program. Refer to: https://learnquranonline.com.au/quran-hifz-program/
Scenario 7: The student would like to enroll to Arabic Grammar Program. Refer to: https://learnquranonline.com.au/learn-quranic-arabic-grammar-online/
Scenario 8: The student would like to enroll to Online Adult Quran Tajweed Program. Please refer: https://learnquranonline.com.au/learn-quran-online-for-adults/
Q2) Common Q/A:
1) Approach to teach quran by us: https://learnquranonline.com.au/quran-for-kids/step-wise-unique-approach-to-read-learn-quran-by-learn-quran-arabic-centre/
2) Some course curriculum: https://learnquranonline.com.au/course-curriculum/
3) Yearly Youth competition for our students across Australia. We started from last year with a Govt grant: https://learnquranonline.com.au/youth-interactive-programs/
4) Our guardians testimonials: https://www.google.com/search?q=LEARN+QURAN+near+me&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU923AU923&oq=learn+qura&aqs=chrome.2.69i59j69i57j69i59l2j0l6.4874j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x6ad60538e384244b:0x1f0caf907dcc0278,1,,,
We do 2 day per week classes each with 45 min (4-5 student max) – 1 hr (6 student batch max).
Q3. A list of course curriculums is given in the website. How will the students finish that course? Two classes every week. I am looking for something like this.
Thanks for your enquiry.
In our classes, We follow few books as main text books to cover the major areas in the class.
Other books that we listed on our website, they can consider as their reference books. We did a hard work for long time to go through the contents and make it public so that interested kids can have their own library.
It’s not easy to find good materials for relevant topics in Australian context when it comes for Islamic studies.
We need to read and learn till death to transform our lives and understandings in a right direction.
Q4. Are the teachers Australia based or from overseas? As a guardian I’m concerened about the effective English communication between the teacher & my child.
Our Experienced teachers are Melbourne & Australia based. Our teachers have long experience in teaching Australian kids effectively.
Q5. How do you teach to the children? Any detailed instruction?